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Channel Next, Cyber security Company, UAE


Patch and Vulnerability Management Admin February 7, 2024

Vulnerability and
Patch Management

Vulnerability and Patch Management involves identifying and patching vulnerabilities in software and systems to mitigate security risks.

Channelnext provides Automated patch management systems in Dubai, helping organizations keep their systems up-to-date with the latest security patches, reducing the risk of exploitation by cyber attackers. 

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Features and

benefits of Patch and Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Identification

Scans networks and systems to identify vulnerabilities, including missing security patches and misconfigurations, enabling proactive risk assessment and remediation. 

Patch Deployment

Automates the deployment of security patches across IT infrastructure, ensuring timely patching of vulnerabilities to reduce the window of exposure to cyber threats. 

Risk Prioritization

Prioritizes patches based on severity and criticality, focusing resources on addressing high-risk vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threat to organizational security. 

Compliance Management

Helps organizations maintain compliance with industry regulations and security standards by ensuring that systems are patched against known vulnerabilities and weaknesses. 

Threat Intelligence Integration

Integrates threat intelligence feeds to identify vulnerabilities exploited in the wild, enabling organizations to prioritize patching efforts and stay ahead of emerging threats.

Reporting and Analytics

Provides comprehensive reports and analytics on patching status, vulnerability trends, and compliance posture, empowering organizations to make informed decisions and track progress in mitigating security risks. 

Used Technologies

Vulnerability Scanning Tools
Automatically scan networks and systems for vulnerabilities, including missing patches, misconfigurations, and insecure settings.
Patch Management Software
Automate the deployment of security patches across endpoints, servers, and other IT infrastructure component.
Vulnerability Intelligence Feeds
Integrate threat intelligence feeds to identify vulnerabilities actively exploited by cyber attackers.
Compliance Monitoring Solutions
Monitor patching status and compliance with industry regulations and security standards to ensure that systems are adequately protected.
Risk Assessment Platforms
Conduct risk assessments to prioritize patching efforts based on the severity and criticality of vulnerabilities
Analytics and Reporting Tools
Generate reports and analytics on patching status, vulnerability trends, and compliance posture
Threats Attacks
Exploit Kits
Zero-Day Exploits
SQL Injection
Remote Code Execution
Buffer Overflow

Case Studies

Challenges you may remediate with Perception point

Exploit Kit Attack

A retail company falls victim to an exploit kit attack targeting a known vulnerability in its e-commerce platform. The attackers exploit the vulnerability to inject malicious code into the websiteRead More

Email Security Transformation

A software company discovers a zero-day exploit targeting its flagship product, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code on users’ devices. Despite releasing a patch promptly.Read More


Fortifying Email Security

An educational institution suffers a data breach due to a SQL injection attack targeting its student portal. The attackers exploit a vulnerability in the portal’s database management system to access.. Read More

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