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PAM- Solution Admin February 19, 2024


 PAM solutions offer privileged access management capabilities, securing access to critical systems and data by privileged users. These solutions provide privileged user authentication, session monitoring, and access controls, reducing the risk of unauthorized access, insider threats, and data breaches. 

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Threats Attacks
Credential Theft
Misuse of Privileges
Lateral Movement
Insider Threats

PAM architecture comprises components for credential management, access control, and session monitoring, integrated with identity and access management (IAM) systems.

These solutions deploy privileged access brokers, vaults, and session managers to manage, monitor, and audit privileged access across the organization’s IT infrastructure, ensuring security and compliance. 

Data Flow
Protect against Malicious urls Attachments Embedded malicious scripts
Protect against Phishing Spoofing Targeted attacks

Seem less Integration




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Protection Against Zero-Day Threats
Protection Against Ransomware Attacks
No rule creation to address false positives

Privileged Session Monitoring

Monitoring and recording privileged user sessions in real-time, capturing user activities, commands, and system interactions to detect suspicious behavior or policy violations. 

Credential Rotation

Automatically rotating or changing privileged credentials at regular intervals to reduce the risk of credential theft or misuse, enhancing security and mitigating the impact of potential breaches. 

Audit Trails

Generating comprehensive audit trails of privileged access activities, including user actions, system events, and access attempts, enabling organizations to track and investigate security incidents, demonstrate compliance, and improve security posture.

Least Privilege Principle

Implementing the principle of least privilege to restrict privileged access rights to the minimum level necessary for users to perform their job roles, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access, privilege abuse, and data breaches. 

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